GLOSSARY OF TERMS FOR INTERNET RESOURCESAnonymous FTP (File Transfer Protocol) -- The procedure of connecting toa remote computer, as an anonymous or guest user, in order to transferpublic files back to your local computer. (See also: FTP andProtocols)BITNET -- A cooperative computer network interconnecting over 2,300academic and research institutions in 32 countries. Originally based onIBM's RSCS networking protocol, BITNET supports mail, mailing lists, andfile transfer. Now merging with CSNET and running the RSCS protocolover TCP/IP protocol (BITNET II), the network will be called ComputerResearch and Education Network (CREN).Client-Server Interface -- A program that provides an interface toremote programs (called clients), most commonly across a network, inorder to provide these clients with access to some service such asdatabases, printing, etc. In general, the clients act on behalf of ahuman end-user (perhaps indirectly).CREN -- Computer Research and Education Network is the new name for themerged computer networks, BITNET and Computer Science Network (CSNET).It supports electronic mail and file transfer.Domain Name System (DNS) -- The Internet naming scheme which consists ofa hierarchical sequence of names, from the most specific to the mostgeneral (left to right), separated by dots, for example also: IP address)Downloading -- The electronic transfer of information from one computerto another, generally from a larger computer to a smaller one, such as amicrocomputer.Electronic Bulletin Board -- A shared file where users can enterinformation for other users to read or download. Many bulletin boardsare set up according to general topics and are accessable throughout anetwork.FTP -- File Transfer Protocol allows a user to transfer fileselectronically from remote computers back to the user's computer. Partof the TCP/IP/TELNET software suite.Gateway -- Used in different senses (e.g., Mail Gateway, IP Gateway),but most generally, a computer that forwards and routes data between twoor more networks of any size.Host Computer -- In the context of networks, a computer that directlyprovides service to a user. In contrast to a network server, whichprovides services to a user through an intermediary host computer.Internet -- The series of interconnected networks that includes localarea, regional, and national backbone networks. Networks in theInternet use the same telecommunications protocol (TCP/IP) and provideelectronic mail, remote login, and file transfer services.IP (Internet protocol) -- The Internet standard protocol that provides acommon layer over dissimilar networks, used to move packets among hostcomputers and through gateways if necessary.IP Address -- The numeric address of a computer connected to theInternet; also called Internet address.Listserv Lists (or listservers) -- Electronic discussion of technicaland nontechnical issues conducted by electronic mail over BITNET usingLISTSERV protocols. Similar lists, often using the UNIX readnews or rnfacilty, are available exclusively on the Internet. Internet users maysubscribe to BITNET listservers. Participants subscribe via a centralservice, and lists often have a moderator who manages the informationflow and content.NIC (Network Information Center) -- A NIC provides administrativesupport, user support, and information services for a network.NREN -- The National Research and Education Network is a proposednational computer network to be built upon the foundation of the NSFbackbone network, NSFnet. NREN would provide high speed interconnectionbetween other national and regional networks. SB 1067 is thelegislative bill proposing NREN.OPAC -- Online Public Access Catalog, a term used to describe any typeof computerized library catalog.OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) -- This is the evolving internationalstandard under development at ISO (International Standards Organization)for the interconnection of cooperative computer systems. An open systemis one that conforms to OSI standards in its communications with othersystems.Protocol -- A mutually determined set of formats and proceduresgoverning the exchange of information between systems.Remote Access -- The ability to access a computer from outside abuilding in which it is housed, or outside the library. Remote accessrequires communications hardware, software, and actual physical links,although this can be as simple as common carrier (telephone) lines or ascomplex as Telnet login to another computer across the Internet.Shareware -- Microcomputer software, distributed through public domainchannels, for which the author expects to receive compensation.TCP/IP -- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is a combinedset of protocols that performs the transfer of data between twocomputers. TCP monitors and ensures correct transfer of data. IPreceives the data from TCP, breaks it up into packets, and ships it offto a network within the Internet. TCP/IP is also used as a name for aprotocol suite that incorporates these functions and others.TELNET -- A portion of the TCP/IP suite of software protocols thathandles terminals. Among other functions, it allows a user to log in toa remote computer from the user's local computer.Terminal Emulation -- Most communications software packages will permityour personal computer or workstation to communicate with anothercomputer or network as if it were a specific type of terminal directlyconnected to that computer or network.Terminal Server -- A machine that connects terminals to a network byproviding host TELNET service.TN3270 -- A version of TELNET providing IBM full-screen support.Z39.50 Protocol -- Name of the national standard developed by theNational Information Standards Organization (NISO) that defines anapplications level protocol by which one computer can query anothercomputer and transfer result records, using a canonical format. Thisprotocol provides the framework for OPAC users to search remote catalogson the Internet using the commands of their own local systems. Projectsare now in development to provide Z39.50 support for catalogs on theInternet. SR (Search and Retrieval), ISO Draft International Standard10162/10163 is the international version of Z39.50.the
Internet. SR (Search and Retrieval), ISO Draft International Standard
10162/10163 is the international version of Z39.50.